Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award


YES! Another nomination! I’ve been getting nominations for multiple awards and I really am so grateful for these bloggers who find my blog worth it. Thank you Erika @ Erika the Bibliophile for nominating me with the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Lovely readers, if you haven’t followed Erika yet then I suggest that you do now. Go check her awesome and fun blog. You will enjoy reading the stuff she posts especially about books 😀

These are the five rules to follow:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  2. Put the Award logo on your blog.
  3. Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Nominate ten blogs.

The Questions:

1. Did you have a book that meant a lot to you as a child?

I love it so much ❤

2. Is there any author or book that you collect and will always welcome multiple editions of the same title?



3. Say that you find yourself judging a book by its cover (not that we ever do that!); what sort of covers do you go for? Are there any that are an absolute turn off?

Well, I tend to buy books with stunning and intriguing covers 😀 I like book covers that speak to me what the story could be about. Something that could  tickle me with curiosity. But I also go for book covers that are just beautiful to be displayed on my bookshelf HAHA Like this:

Charlotte Chan

What I hate to see on book covers are closed-up faces or people doing a pose like it’s for a magazine cover. I understand if it they show something relevant to the story afterwards but if it doesn’t seem to convey anything at all then why? But it doesn’t mean I hate the book or I don’t read it if it has this kind of cover because I do. I mean I read and enjoyed The Delirium series even with these covers. 😀

4. If you could pick any imaginary animal to bring home to Mom with an earnest, “Can we keep him??”, what animal would it be?

I really think my mom won’t approve because I’d probably be picking one of Hagrid’s babies! 😀

I mean wouldn’t it be cool and awesome and badass to have a dragon?? I know it would be illegal and stuff but come on!

5. Is there any book to movie adaptation that you simply refuse to watch? No way, no how, you’re not even giving them the opportunity to mess it up?

Hmm…. I think none so far. Yes I get nervous and scared that they’ll mess it up and won’t do justice on it but who wouldn’t want to see the characters you like come to life? I couldn’t refuse to feed my curiousity! That would be torture so I just prepare myself for the regret if ever it turns out bad. Also it usually takes me months to be ready to watch a movie adaptation of a book I love. So yeah, I just wait a little longer but I don’t refuse to watch it.

6. What is the most unusual book you’ve ever read? (Plot, writing style, chapter layout, etc?)


It is a beautiful childhood memoir written in a free form of poetry.

7. Is there any book or series that you’ve read that is so totally outside of your normal genre, but you loved it and would recommend it to others as a “take a risk!” type of book?

Aand that would be a romance book! I pick Love, Rosie by Cecilia Ahern. Well, yeah it was recommended to me by a friend last year and I finally decided to read it earlier this year. So you see, it was me who took the risk! I loved it, it was both fun and frustrating but I love it and I recommended it to friends of mine. Only thing is, it isn’t a risk to them because most of my friends don’t bother to read romance novels so they kind of devoured this book instantly after I recommended it.

8. Do you have any bookish collections, or anything you covet and hope to someday collect? Candles, artwork, bookcases?

I collect bookmarks but I’ve always wanted to collect candles and bookcases. So someday I’d get into that.

9. What book has been on your TBR pile the longest, but you just can’t convince yourself to pick it up?



10. You get a $500 gift card for all things bookish – do you run to your nearest bookstore and spend like a fiend? Or do you create pro/con lists (a la Rory Gilmore) to make sure you get just the right & perfect & wonderful bookish things? Or are you eyeing a particularly expensive bookcase somewhere?

A $500 gift card for all bookish things? Hmm… let’s face it, the last thing a book lover will have when given a $500 gift card would be rationality! I think I’d be off to a bookshop the moment I get my hands on this gift card.

Source: The Reading Room

So you see, I don’t need a pro/con list 😉

My Questions:

  1.  What time of the day do you spend most time reading?
  2. Where is your favorite reading spot?
  3. What book are willing to sacrifice? (THROW:___ BURN:___ DROWN:___)
  4. What genre do you refuse to read and will never ever read?
  5. What book made you want to visit the place or country where it was set?
  6. What was the book that made you believe you wouldn’t like it but you actually did?
  7. Is there any not-so-bookish thing on your bookshelf? What is it?
  8. If you were to choose a dystopian world to live in for one week, what world would you choose?
  9. If you woke up one day in a body of an author? which author would you want to be and what would you do?
  10. What is important to you in a book? (plot, writing, character…etc)

The Nominees (these are blogs I recently discovered so I have 15 nominees):

  1. Alicia @ Caffeine and Books
  2. Arlene @ Dreams And Escapes
  3. Anna @ A Wondrous Bookshelf
  4. Between Pages 
  5. Bhramori @ thecrazyperfectionist
  6. Chelsy @ chelsontheshelf
  7. Clumsy Katie Reads Books
  8. Dannie Mae
  9. For The Love of Fictional Worlds
  10. Gemma @ Books Are the Quietest Friends
  11. Lynsey @ Read Rest Relax
  12. marineko
  13. Mezzalillys Teen Book Reviews
  14. Sripurna
  15. Tasha @ Head in the Clouds, Heart in the Books

So that’s it, I hope you all enjoyed reading it. And to the nominees I hope you find time to do this award even if you already did it. 😀 Have a nice day ahead and God bless :*

Real Neat Blog Award & The Versatile Blogger Award No.2


Yes, I have received nominations for multiple awards! Thanks to the lovely Veronica @ Owl Wonder for the nomination on the Real Neat Blog Award. To the awesome Fortune’s Expensive Smile for the nomination in the Versatile Blogger Award, thank you once again 🙂 So let’s get on with this.

Real Neat Blog Award:


  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blog.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog, etc.)


1. What was your favorite children’s book?

2. How long have you been blogging?

Almost 3 months now. 😀

3. Who is your celebrity crush?

It was tough but yeah, I choose him to represent ❤

4. What are the contents inside your bag (women) or wallet (men)?

A book, wallet, antihistamine tablets, nasal spray, tissue paper, ballpen, cap, phone and charger.

5. What is your blogging routine?

I am supposed to post 3 or 4 times a week which includes a book review, a weekly meme, a book quote and some photos.

6. What inspires you to write?

Silence and solitude

7. Do you have a special talent? If so, please clarify.

This is quite tough! uhm…. playing the piano (a little)  could count as a special talent right? HAHA I don’t really know, when I’m asked with this question I tend to forget if I have anything special haha 🙂

The Versatile Blogger Award:


  1. Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  2. Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link back to the post on your site announcing their nomination.
  5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

7 Facts:

1. I’m studying medicine this July HOPEFULLY 🙂

2. I don’t like wearing heels because I’m relatively tall.

3. I don’t USUALLY wear make-up even when it’s necessary because most of the time I get skin irritations :/

4. I love swimming and snorkelling!

5. I ❤ seafood!


6. I don’t like sweetened food unless it’s dessert.

7. I am running out of ideas on the facts I could share with you guys so let’s end this. HAHAHA

MY NOMINATIONS: (You can do both or either! :D)

  1. Bhramori @ thecrazyperfectionist
  2. Casey @ inspiredbythepage
  3. Christina at christina writes
  4. Keya Shah @ Prose Over Bros
  5. marineko 
  6. Mari @ Story and Somnomancy
  7. Mithai Mumblezz
  8. Priya Jivrajani
  9. sheepologia
  10. Wondering Wreck

My Questions:

1. Who would be the villain you’re willing date with?

2. What was the latest book you read and hated?

3. What is that book you always recommend?

4. What are you passionate about?

5. From the Top 5 places you want to visit, where would you probably go first if you are given an all-expense paid trip?

6. Where would you go: mountain or beach?

7. What is that one thing you’ve always wanted to do but still haven’t done yet?

Okay, that’s it! Thank you once again to the amazing Veronica and Fortune’s Expensive Smile for the nominations 😉

Have a wonderful day ahead and God bless :*

Liebster Award No. 2

LiebsterAward_3lilapplesI’ve been gone for quite some time but now I’m back! And since I have received nominations from multiple awards (YAY!) let me start a post for the Leibster Award first. I’m really behind with these things so now is the perfect time to get on with it. Thank you to these three awesome bloggers who nominated me for the Liebster Award: yashereads, Keya Shah @ Prose Over Bros and marineko. Go check them out my lovely readers 🙂

P.S. This will be a lengthy post! 😉

The rules:

  • Link back to the person that nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given by the nominator.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers (with less than 200 followers).
  • Come up with 11 questions for them to answer.
  • Notify your nominees.

The Questions:

From yashereads:

 1. What book will be your forever-reread?

2015-05-02 11.38.39

Harry Potter forever and always ❤

2. What are your bookish standards?

Hmm… for me it has something to do with the characters. I tend to get hooked with a book that has this characters wherein I get a connection or an understanding with especially the way they see things. Characters that teaches me while they learn from themselves as the story progress. I don’t know if that makes sense but yeah that’s it.

3. If two fictional world would meet, from which book would it be?

4. If you were to rename yourself from a fictional character, what would it be and from which book?

Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter series. Well, I love her and the her name! 🙂

5. WED, BED, BEHEAD—who villain would it be?

WED: I’m sorry I can’t think of any

BED: Oh gosh how much more this?

BEHEAD: Voldemort!

6. Your most hated fictional couple?

Again, I can’t decide! So its between Romeo and Juliet & Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.

7. Have you read a book that you could relate to, like it somehow resembles you or your life?


There was this instant connection between me and Cath. I feel like I could relate to almost everything about her.

8. Fave booktuber/bookstagram/book blogger

I tend to immediately click the latest uploads of these two booktubers:



9. Best book-turned-movie

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I can’t decide between these two.

10. What book gave you the worst hangover ever


I was in denial until the very end when y’know the “thing” happened. This may not be my favorite book in the series but the ending stayed with me for quite some time. I mean dammit! I may have been heartbroken by how it ended but for me it was a great way to end the series.

11. Do you have a certain playlist when reading? 

No, I tend to involuntarily block all the sounds while reading unless its the sound of nature 😉

From Prose over Bros:

1) If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life, what would you do differently?

Probably my first semester in college. I think I’d be more confident and join organizations I was interested in.

2) What purpose did you have in mind when you first started your blog?

To talk about books ❤

3) Who has been a guiding light for you in your life?


4) What genre of music and movies do you prefer?

I don’t really have a specific genre for music. With movies, I’m into sci-fi, fantasy, & rom-coms

5) What are you studying or where are you working currently?

I’m neither studying nor working…. YET! Because I will be back to school this July to study MEDICINE!!

6) How would you describe the word ‘friendship’?

7) Describe your personality using three words.

Fun, Shy, Loyal

8) If you could wake up tomorrow as somebody else, whom would you pick and what would you do?

Can a fictional person be okay? Because I’d pick Hermione Granger and then tour around the magical world then afterwards stay in the Hogwarts Library for the rest of the day. But Emma Watson will do. HAHAHA 😉

9) Share your thoughts about me or my blog

I enjoy reading your posts because they’re awesome and insightful 🙂

10) If you could pick one book to be your favorite, which one would it be?


From marineko:

01. Is there a book that, if you had all the money in the world, you’d buy in bulk and give to everyone you knew?

Harry Potter? HAHA yep, its HP again because I love them. And also, I think there is only quite a few people I know who own these books.

02. Plot, writing, setting, characters – all of these are important, but if you had to choose, which would you look for the most in a book?


03. Are there genres you don’t like to read, but love to watch?

Romantic Comedies maybe.

04. Do you have a book BFF?

Not so sure about this HAHA but probably yeah I do.

05. What’s your favourite way to find out about new books?

Probably from bloggers… hmm… yeah I think so. 😉

06. Is there a book that you’ve been looking forward to read for a long time, and then… never did?

That would be Lord of the Rings but its my goal for this year is to read it. So I hope I could finally finish it.

07. How important is the book cover to you?

Well, they’re not really important but I tend to get attracted to a book if it has a stunning cover.

08. US/UK (and other) editions of books – do you have edition preferences and try to get that specific edition, or do you just get whatever’s available?

I usually get whatever’s available but if there is another edition of the same book with a beautiful cover and all I tend to purchase it still. :/

09. First “classic” (you can define it however you like) that you read, and what did you think of it?

Probably The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare. I’m not really sure about it now, its been ages but I think I may have liked it. HAHA

10. What was the last challenging book you’ve read?

If by challenging you mean getting to finish the book then its probably Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, ugh that book. But if you mean something that is quite intimidating and hard to get into maybe Jane Eyre because its a classic and classics tend to become intimidating at times. 😀

11. Do you set out reading goals for yourself, and if so, what kind? (Numbers of books, genre, diversity, etc.)

YES I DO! I’ve got this TBR Challenge, click it if your curious 😛

THAT TOOK ME AGES! Anyways, I’m not gonna be nominating anyone because I already did this before. So yeah, that’s it I hope you have a great day ahead and God bless! :*

Creative Blogger Award No. 2

Another nomination! :))) With all the love I can give thank you for these two awesome bloggers, The Wolf of Starbucks and Bookworms and Fangirls who nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award. You guys should check them out and be sure to follow them! You will find it not only satisfying but also amazing 😀

The Rules:

  • Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs
  • Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important)
  • Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers
  • Pass these rules on to them

5 FACTS about me:

1. I  just finished reading All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven (will be posting a review soon!) two days ago and I am still in the “mourning period” and I’m finding it hard to move on!

2. As long as there’s PIZZA…. I’m good! 😀

3. I can’t wait to see Jon Snow again ❤


4. I am extremely terrified of the thought of going on dinner dates! :/

Look, I’ve said before, I am socially awkward haha and the thing that would probably make things worse is by sitting alone with some stranger because by then I’d be focusing too much on getting my mouth full (left me with no choice!) so I can avoid cringe-worthy moments when I start to talk. So, going on in an adventure would be perfect instead!

5. I don’t take selfies! Because every time I click the camera and then take a look at my photo I am like…..

Like literally I get scared with my own face filling all the space of my camera screen, all those pores and dark spots so clear you can make a whole new picture out of it. HAHAHA but, calm down buddy,  im not having all those “oh-im-so-ugly-i-dont-deserve-anything” rant its just that, I PREFER photos taken at the normal way. I love myself, just not when its after a selfie moment 😛

I am nominating:

YOU! yes, YOU! 

So that’s it and I hope you enjoy reading all this random stuff about me 😀 Have a nice day ahead and God bless :*

The Versatile Blogger Award


Hello there! YES, i have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely BookMuffin. You guys should visit her blog and follow her if you still haven’t, because aside from the book reviews she has a lot of interesting bookish stuff going on in her blog 😀 So here it goes:

The Rules

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

My Nominations:

Anne-thology of Books

Bookworms and Fangirls

but first, books

Jacqueline @ The Bashful Bibliophile

Just Harping on Libros

The Wolf of Starbucks

what about that book

7 FACTS about me:

1. I’m a dog person.

2. I ❤ dark chocolates! like looooooove them so so so much!

3. I can’t have a real good sleep if i dont have 4 pillows or more.

4. I have a quite sensitive nose and by that i mean i can sense even the faintest of smell HAHA (most of the time, its a bad thing!)

5. I’m actually a shy and socially awkward person! like if you don’t talk to me first, I don’t know how on earth can i talk to you! its craazy haha

6. I’m a super paranoid person like, when I’m alone at home, and everything is soooo dark I’d be thinking that any moment a zombie apocalypse can happen and then I’d start planning things so i can survive in the most badass way possible! HAHAHA

7. I don’t really wear skirts. “REALLY” because the last time a wore a skirt like on the daily basis was back in high school as a school uniform. 🙂

So yeah, 7 blogs! im trying to nominate those blogs i recently discovered and whom I guess haven’t been tag yet. But if you’re not mentioned and you didnt get to do this yet, please please feel free to do this! 😀 That’s it. Hope you guys enjoy and God bless :*