Not So Bookish Blogs You Must Visit


Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Now for this Tuesday, the theme is not so bookish. It’s about the top ten websites or blogs that you enjoy visiting. As for me I have decided to share a list of awesome blogs that I love to visit. This is a combination of travel, photography and writing blogs. Trust me, you gotta check them all out. Also, I think this is an opportunity to spread the love in the blogosphere ❤


 Camera and Cheese

It’s one of my favorite blogs to visit and I especially go through her travel diaries every time I do. Her travels are unique and the photos she took for each travel are so impressive it makes me want to visit the place ASAP! And her blog offers more than just her travels. She have inputs on fashion, beauty and some of her advocacies.

Fave Post: Travel Guide to Kalanggaman Island


I’m not really sure if it’s a travel blog, but it sure is something like that and a whole other stuff. Hi ate Mench hehe 😀 I like reading through her posts because it’s not merely about showing the beauty of a place but more on telling the story of the place. And she’s also an advocate of nature. The author loves both surfing and mountain climbing, two things I’d love to do myself someday.

Fave Post: On the road

 The Travel Buff

And yet another awesome travel blog this is! I recently discovered this blog and finding that the author is also a bibliophile could have influenced me at some point. But really, the reason I love this blog is her travels are mostly here in the Philippines. And it’s a promise I made to myself to travel around the Philippines before I head out of the country again.

Fave Post: Travel Guide: Coron Palawan


The Darkroom Nerd 

Well, as most of you may know I love photography even though I’m not a great at it. And this blog is one of the first that I have discovered. If you are interested in it too, you should definitely check out this blog. Her photography makes me want to learn more about the art.

 Joshi Daniel Photography

I believe this photographer is a professional one. I mean check out his photos it’s GAAHHH! I don’t how to critic these kind of stuff but I’d say his photos are unique and it speaks if that makes sense. Just check it out.

Aniket Sharma Photography

Another one of my favorites! I love the depth and uniqueness in his photos. UGH now my insecurities are out again. HAHA


In Noir Velvet

I am particularly drawn to this blog what with the author’s profound and thought-provoking words. The author writes six words to fifty words stories and everytime, it strikes me deeply. 😀

Girl on the Contrary 

Now if you’re looking for some hilarious yet substantial at some point stuff I think this blog offers just the right amount. I enjoy her posts coz it’s honest, funny and just reality.

The Renegade Press

This is one of those blogs I peruse when I need something that’s both profound and inspiring. The owner of this blog is a writer so of course, you’d expect those stuff I just mentioned. But really, I also enjoy reading some short stories that he writes and posts in his blog.

Latest post: Halcyon

Motivating Giraffe

And of course, just look at that blog name and tell me why I don’t love it. 😀 Also, her motivations includes some cool and funny giraffe photos. What else can I ask for, right?

Motivational post: Do what you can

So what’s your list about? Feel free to share it with us and let’s spread the blogosphere love! ❤

Top Ten Tuesdays: Bookworm Delights!


Once again, I’ve decided to participate in this weekly meme of The Broke and the Bookish. The theme for today is about the things that would most certainly bring a smile on every bookworm’s face. I’ve missed doing this so let’s get into it and here’s my list of the little things that brings me delight!

Staring lovingly at those beautifully organized bookshelves

There’s nothing more you can ask after a long day’s work but to sit and stare at your books right before you start picking one of them to read

Sniffing up the aroma of books, both old and new!

When someone adores the book you recommended

Having conversations with a person who loves the same books as you do

For those people who unintentionally sacrificed long hours listening to me blabber about books, I LOVE YOU HUMAN!

Getting excited to go on long drives even on public transpos, because audiobooks! 

You just have to get used to the stares you’d be getting.

Reading references of things you like in the current book your reading.

Every time I read harry potter references it just makes me love the book even more ❤ 

Finding the perfect reading nook AND POSITION! even just for awhile…

This is tricky! But once you find it, enjoy every last bit of the moment 

Getting cut-off from reality because most likely you’ve found THE ONE in a fictional world.

Finally getting your hands on a book that made you ration a weeks’ worth of food into two.

A weekend you can enjoy reading because finally that report, or this exam or those tasks are done and Monday doesn’t seem too much of a buzzkill!

There’s still a whole lot of others things but I guess those I’ve listed above made it to the top! So are any of those I’ve listed the same with yours? Comment the link of your post down below and share it to everyone else!
Have a great day ahead and God bless! :*

Top Ten Wishes I Gotta Ask From the Awesome Book Genie…


Since I have the time, I am participating again in this weekly meme by The Broke and The Bookish. Its been awhile and so without further ado, dearest book genie I wish for:

10. The ability to FREEZE TIME whenever I want to read a book.

because free time rarely comes by nowadays…well in my case though. :/

09. Instant/Unlimited cash every time I pass by a bookstore.

because every time I enter the bookstore, I tend to always find a book I instantly want to buy but then my wallet says, “sorry but you can’t afford that luxury right now.”

08. and of course to have the books I’ve always wanted to buy to be available in a bookstore I happen to pass by. 

because well, when you got the money sometimes the book you’ve been dying to get your hands on becomes unavailable and that breaks my fragile heart. 

07. The ability to enter any of any fictional world depending on what book I’m reading!

because, come on! how cool would that be?! 

06.  But before any other places book genie, please let me go to Hogwarts first!

because, Hogwarts will ALWAYS be a home to me! 

05. My own library that will always have space for new books! 

because I know that I won’t stop buying books even when I’m old and cranky. 

04.  A date night with my fictional boyfriends (one book at a time!) HAHA

because … oh my gosh. who wouldn’t want that? ❤

03. A bag that will allow me to bring 4 or 5 books (paperback or hardbound) and yet it still wouldn’t feel heavy!


because when you step outside your house, you gotta bring what you gotta bring! 

02. A bonding session…or dinner…or a meet-up or you know anything as long I spend a few moments with all of my favorite authors (Hi there J.K. Rowling!)

because I owe them a lot and I’d like to thank them personally. 

01. More books, more writers and more readers! :*


 There goes my Top Ten wishes for my book genie! Well I do hope some of them if not all comes true. I hope you had fun reading!

Do we have the same wishes? I’d like to know what you listed on your Top Ten Tuesday so comment the link to your post down below and share it with every one else. Have a great day ahead wherever you are! :*

Top Ten Villain/Bad Guys We Love To Hate


This is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Since we’re free to choose the topic this tuesday, I’d like to talk about the bad guys. And since I wanted it to be more of an agreed matter, I asked some of my friend’s opinion about the subject HAHAHA. I asked a number of friends and what’s on this list are the ones mentioned twice or thrice.

7. Nolan Sorrento from Ready Player One (click to read review)


Sorrento’s a high-ranking official of the Innovative Online Industries or the IOI, he’s the head of the Oology Division that focuses on finding Halliday’s Easter Egg. Finding the egg would mean the possession of Halliday’s entire fortune including the virtual utopia called the OASIS that citizens have free access with. Obviously IOI’s pursuit is to get hold of the fortune and run the OASIS so they could monetize it so of course they will do everything in their means to win the game and find the egg. By everything, I mean EVERYTHING! And Sorrento, being a puppet of IOI is focused in getting the egg no matter what.

6. Jeanine Matthews from the Divergent Trilogy

Because she is a highly intelligent person, she is more rational than emotional. She’s a ruthless leader capable of doing unspeakable things to keep things in order.

5. President Snow from the Hunger Games trilogy

Another heartless and controlling leader. Panem alone was a disturbing world to live in and add him up, everything is just hell.

4. Bellatrix Lestrange from the Harry Potter Series


3. Joffrey Baratheon from A Song of Ice and Fire ( Game of Thrones)

I’ve never felt such euphoria over someone’s demise! okay, I know that just made me sound such a ruthless person but GOT fans will know. I know you will. If you don’t just read or watch it, you’ll get it.

2. Cersei Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire ( Game of Thrones)

I would love to strangle her with those blonde locks she’s got. Her beauty is poison.

1. Voldemort from the Harry Potter series

Need I say more?

We ended up with SEVEN Villains/Bad Guys that we love to hate. I think its safe to say that you agree with me on this right? But since we only have seven here, I’d love to know who else would you add up on the list!

So how about you? What topic did you choose? Feel free to drop a link on the comment section so we could check it out 😀 I hope you have fun reading and God bless!

Top Ten Books I’ll Probably Never Read


This is a weekly meme by The Broke and The Bookish wherein they post a Top Ten List for bloggers to answer. For this tuesday, it’s about the books that you’d probably never read. This may result in opposing views that could lead into unwanted violent reactions so I suggest you keep a cup of ice cream beside you or a bar of chocolate. Just for safety purposes you know. Also, please don’t get mad at me 😀 So without further ado, here is my list:

1. The House of Night Series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Okay I started reading this book  when I was around 14 years old maybe and as far as I can remember I think I liked Marked and Betrayed but then I don’t know, I just lost interest in it. And I doubt I’ll ever be interested again I mean I think I’ve outgrown it.


I’ve been saying this a couple times now, I’m not a huge fan of romance novels and I am certain that I wouldn’t get as far as 20 pages from any of Nicholas Sparks’ novels. And I mean c’mon all of his endings. Urgh! Yeah, I may have watched a couple of movies based on his books but nah! What I feel about the books equates what I feel about the movies.

3. Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover


Believe it or not I managed to read and finish Hopeless in just one sitting. I mean I  couldn’t believe it but yeah I did. I’m not really sure if I liked Hopeless or not so I gave it a 3 out of 5 stars and I decided to leave it at that. So yeah, I’m not interested in picking this book and read all about Holder’s perspective.

4. The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion


This is a sequel to the novel The Rosie Project which I actually did a brief review. Check it out here if you’re interested 🙂 So anyway I liked The Rosie Project but not that much. In my opinion, it doesn’t need a sequel but I don’t know maybe someday I change my mind and pick up this book. But for now, it doesn’t appeal to me in any way.

5. Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaria


I actually tried to read this book earlier this year because that cover looks appealing and the title itself was intriguing. But then, after a few pages I got bored and a little annoyed maybe with the protagonist. It’s an epistolary novel like The Perks of Being a Wallflower and so I couldn’t help but feel like it wants to follow the same path but it just couldn’t.  Sorry but this isn’t the book for me. Maybe its because I couldn’t find a connection with the character or I don’t know really.

6. Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld

The moment I heard about this series I told myself not to judge it. Okay, I may have judged it already but I couldn’t help it. The premise seemed ridiculous to me that I’m not entirely convinced its the book for me. Again, maybe I’ll change my mind about it but definitely not happening in the near future.

7. Casual Vacany by J.k. Rowling


Let me get this straight! J.K. Rowling will always and forever be one of my favorite authors and this book can’t change that. But to be honet book did not appeal to me really. I may have tried reading it but I didn’t get past the 10th page maybe. It’s just not the book for me that’s all.

8. Nobody Is Ever Missing by Catherine Lacey


I thought I’d like this book. So I started perusing the first few pages and actually psyched myself to just get past the hundredth page because maybe I’ll see why I thought I’d like it. But unfortunately that didn’t happen. After a couple of pages I just got bored and that was the end of my “thoughts”.

9. The Lover’s Dictionary by David Levithan


That is a stunning book cover actually and the premise of this book made me curious enough to pick it up. But then after a few pages I really don’t get it so yes this book isn’t for me.

10. Summer Trilogy by Jenny Han

I’m not really sure if the trilogy is called “Summer”. Anyway, before you guys react (because I know a lot of people and that includes my friends love this book) I tried reading this series. I love Jenny Han, I adore To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and I’m anticipating the sequel P.S. I Still Love You, but this trilogy didn’t appeal to me that much. I started reading the first book since my friend told me that after the first book the story becomes amazing. I tried but every time I do, Belly doesn’t fail to annoy me so I took a pause and its been quite a while now. I don’t know maybe someday, I’ll just pick it up but for now my mind says that I’ll probably never get to read it.

Okay, so those are the books that didn’t quite appeal to me. This is just a probability but who knows, maybe I’ll be in the mood for one of them someday. I hope one of your favorites isn’t on this list but if it is PEACE OUT! 😀

What are the books on your list? I’d like to know so drop a link down below. And if you’ve read one of the books I’ve mentioned, I’d like to hear what you think about them. Maybe that could get me interested and start reading it. 😀

Have a great day ahead and God bless you!