Truths of a Medical Student

Hello there, fellow medical students, kudos! You are one brave soul, just like me, to waste time in this virtual reality we call THE WEB. Or you know, it’s a “study break” as we often label it to lessen the guilt. On a scale of a 20-minute nap to a caffeine-fueled all-nighter, how’s it going? In my case, I am a cup away into the latter and I am absorbing nothing so I’ve decided to write this instead. Lo and behold, the truths behind every medical student!


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Time is a paradox. Time is an illusion. It is both freeing and binding. Freeing, because we know it is there but we try not to care, because if we do, we go into panic mode, anxiety heightens, everything we do becomes futile. Binding, because we never really get to do things without thinking about time. 

Multiple exams with multiple references yet we still get bored.

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I don’t know but during these trying times, boredom can’t be killed. Boredom fights, boredom gets through and so boredom survives!  

The paradoxical effect of caffeine consumption.

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Stress if funny sometimes. 

The level of drowsiness is directly proportional to the amount of upcoming exams.

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But in all seriousness, if painting the whole page with a neon highlighter works for you, then by all means keep doing it. We have different ways of studying, different strategies so really asking tips from different people is a risk. What works with them might not work with you. Study at your own pace, at your own way at your own risk. Stop comparing!

Power naps only powers up our perpetual desire to sleep and become a panda instead.

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I just feel twice as tired sometimes. 

Studying = 5 minutes, Study Break = 1 Sherlock episode, 1 whole season of FRIENDS or 5 magical hours spent on the internet watching videos of baby elephants taking a bath.

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The endless cycle of doubts and questions of self-worth.

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TRIGGER: A succession of failed exams, lack of sleep and significantly increased stress levels. It happens, might even be normal to some point, just make sure you don’t get trapped in such vicious cycle. Go out, talk to friends, eat or read a book. Think happy thoughts. 

Nobody said it was easy, but no severity scale can quantify how hard medschool is.

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You live for the eat-outs and drinking sessions as a celebration for a hellweek (which is pretty much every week)

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You have every sign and symptom of every disease in Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine. Even flatulence makes you think you’re dying.

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When you’re done studying or you have no time left.

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Friends make it all worthwhile.

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You don’t need to be friends with everyone. But you have to find the real ones, the rare gems, the snort-laugh inducers, the drinking buddies, the nonsense talkers, the equivalent of 5 cups of brewed coffee and you’ll find that medical school is the best thing that has ever happened to you. As they say, it’s all about the journey not the destination. 

Now back to studying, young Padawan!



Existence of the Weed


I was staring intently at a weed. It was still young, with its slim roots clinging tightly to the ground and its tiny leaves swaying proudly to the subtle touch of the wind.

Then it hit me. It’s there living in a space surrounded by substantial life–fruit trees, daisies and some wild roses too. Oblivious to the fact that weeds are savagely plucked out or stepped upon.

So I thought, “What if this weed came into existence thinking it is needed like everything else that surrounds it?”

“What if it took notice of a white rose just beside it? Of its elegant beauty. Of its velvety petals as white and as pure as the pearl in the middle of the sea.  Of its thorny stem and its tiny leaves. Of how gracefully it stands out but still adds to the beautiful chaos of the woods.”

“What if in that mere moment, it became filled with hopes of becoming an elegant white rose?”

“What if in that mere moment, it longed to have the worth of a rose?”

“What if because of that mere moment, it decided to live its life trying its best to become a rose?”

“And then what if it finally matures and realizes that it will never bloom into a rose?”

What if I was the weed? What if I thought I could be a “rose” too? What if I’m wasting my time, patching the holes of my existence, pushing one foot after the other, climbing what seemed to be a never ending staircase only to find out that it’s all futile? What if I found out too late that this has all been a mirage? What if I can’t be what I want to be even if I’ve exhausted all efforts?

What now?

May Wrap-up and June TBR

I feel like everything in the past month just flew by. It’s already the third day of June which means I have exactly 37 days left of freedom. But to be honest, (I can’t believe I’m about to say this!) I kinda miss school. Some days I’d like to start on those big and intimidating medical reads but most of the time, I dread the arrival of July coz that’s when the real thing starts. But before I jump into the other life that I’ve also been dreaming of, I have planned how my June’s gonna go, as bookish as it’s supposed to be. And before I share it with you guys, here’s a wrap-up for the month of May. I have read 6 books in total and I’d say it was a quality over quantity kind of book month.

Clean Break
(4 out of 5 stars)


I got a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review and honestly, this book was surprisingly engrossing and full of humor. You may read my full review HERE!

The Mansion Twins
(4 out of 5 stars)


I also got a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. A very exhilarating read! It was all funny, adrenaline-packed and magical. I have enjoyed the adventures of the Senka twins and I can’t wait to read more about them and their world. You may read my full review HERE! 

Knife of Never Letting Go
(5 out of 5 stars)


Patrick Ness is a cold-hearted storyteller in the most hauntingly awesome way! I have probably held most breaths reading this books than in any real life events. It was an exhilarating read and the writing was so captivating and engaging you simply cannot resist the urge to read the next page. This novel is dark, brutal, full of suspense and kept my awake at night until I finish it. Full review to come.

The Universe Versus Alex Woods
(4 out of 5 stars)


A book that talks about life, death and an unlikely friendship between a young man and an old man. The story was a mixture of happiness and sadness. It is insightful and very much a great read. Full review to come. 

Six of Crows
(5 out of 5 stars)


I am lost for words. Damn it, it was so badass and dark and aaargghh. Inej and Kaz oh my gosh. I am drawn to the darkness in both of them. Jesper and Wylan, I love reading through their conversations.  And oh my gosh Matthias and Nina made me feel love both the good and bad side. I can’t wait for the sequel *grabby hands* and I still can’t move on from this world. *stares into the abyss* Full review to come. 

The Forgotten Flapper
(4 out of 5 stars)


I got a free copy of this novel from the author. A great read. It felt like I was brought back in time when everything else happened. Because clearly this was a well-researched story. Honestly, reading it feels different, like even though I have to put it aside for awhile, the moment I get back to it again, I’m instantly drawn into the story like I never even put down in the first place. Full review to come. 

There you have it, my kind of May. See how every book I’ve read is a great book? What a way to live this year indeed! *contented sigh* And if you have noticed, I have yet to publish a lot of reviews, so stay updated. And without further ado, I present to you my reading plans this month of June! drumroll please….

Note: Click on the titles to read a synopsis from Goodreads.
The Ask and The Answer by Patrick Ness

This is actually my current read. And I’m more than half-way through the book. Slow-paced than the first one but boy the premise is still hauntingly unique and engrossing. This is the second book of the Chaos Walking Trilogy.

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami

Yes, I recently purchased yet another book of Haruki Murakami because why shouldn’t I?

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

I know your shocked. I’ve been eyeing this one off in every bookstore that I pass by last year. But I have to summon every self-control I have left not to buy it just yet because I might ravage my way into reading it and fail another exam. And now that vacation’s still here, I will be perusing its pages before it’s too late.

A Court of Thrones and Roses &  A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

The hype around this book series got me into a not-to-be-disregarded kind of curiosity. And also, I’ve enjoyed reading fairytale retellings. I usually take a step back around books with so much hype by not reading any reviews about it to avoid destructive expectations. So yes, I am picking it up this month with one blind eye.

Night Film by Marisha Pessl

I am also currently reading this book because yes, I get distracted easily too. Deciding to read this book took me a lot of courage because I may read crime fiction but this one is on a whole new level. All these mysteries, murders, secrets and horrors of killings is just way too dark and eerie I am shocked I picked it up at night. But I’m really drawn to it already so there is no turning back.

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

I found this book while I was supposedly window shopping in a bookstore. It;s a coming-of-age classic novel that talks about friendship and growing up during the time of World War II.

Note: Source for all book images is Goodreads. 

And there you have it! I have 7 books on my June TBR and I do hope to read all of it this month. I will also be posting the promised reviews mentioned above along with the other review requests from authors anytime starting next week. 😀

I hope you have/had a wonderful day wherever part of the planet you are! God bless you, readers 😘


Not So Bookish Blogs You Must Visit


Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Now for this Tuesday, the theme is not so bookish. It’s about the top ten websites or blogs that you enjoy visiting. As for me I have decided to share a list of awesome blogs that I love to visit. This is a combination of travel, photography and writing blogs. Trust me, you gotta check them all out. Also, I think this is an opportunity to spread the love in the blogosphere ❤


 Camera and Cheese

It’s one of my favorite blogs to visit and I especially go through her travel diaries every time I do. Her travels are unique and the photos she took for each travel are so impressive it makes me want to visit the place ASAP! And her blog offers more than just her travels. She have inputs on fashion, beauty and some of her advocacies.

Fave Post: Travel Guide to Kalanggaman Island


I’m not really sure if it’s a travel blog, but it sure is something like that and a whole other stuff. Hi ate Mench hehe 😀 I like reading through her posts because it’s not merely about showing the beauty of a place but more on telling the story of the place. And she’s also an advocate of nature. The author loves both surfing and mountain climbing, two things I’d love to do myself someday.

Fave Post: On the road

 The Travel Buff

And yet another awesome travel blog this is! I recently discovered this blog and finding that the author is also a bibliophile could have influenced me at some point. But really, the reason I love this blog is her travels are mostly here in the Philippines. And it’s a promise I made to myself to travel around the Philippines before I head out of the country again.

Fave Post: Travel Guide: Coron Palawan


The Darkroom Nerd 

Well, as most of you may know I love photography even though I’m not a great at it. And this blog is one of the first that I have discovered. If you are interested in it too, you should definitely check out this blog. Her photography makes me want to learn more about the art.

 Joshi Daniel Photography

I believe this photographer is a professional one. I mean check out his photos it’s GAAHHH! I don’t how to critic these kind of stuff but I’d say his photos are unique and it speaks if that makes sense. Just check it out.

Aniket Sharma Photography

Another one of my favorites! I love the depth and uniqueness in his photos. UGH now my insecurities are out again. HAHA


In Noir Velvet

I am particularly drawn to this blog what with the author’s profound and thought-provoking words. The author writes six words to fifty words stories and everytime, it strikes me deeply. 😀

Girl on the Contrary 

Now if you’re looking for some hilarious yet substantial at some point stuff I think this blog offers just the right amount. I enjoy her posts coz it’s honest, funny and just reality.

The Renegade Press

This is one of those blogs I peruse when I need something that’s both profound and inspiring. The owner of this blog is a writer so of course, you’d expect those stuff I just mentioned. But really, I also enjoy reading some short stories that he writes and posts in his blog.

Latest post: Halcyon

Motivating Giraffe

And of course, just look at that blog name and tell me why I don’t love it. 😀 Also, her motivations includes some cool and funny giraffe photos. What else can I ask for, right?

Motivational post: Do what you can

So what’s your list about? Feel free to share it with us and let’s spread the blogosphere love! ❤