Top Ten Wishes I Gotta Ask From the Awesome Book Genie…


Since I have the time, I am participating again in this weekly meme by The Broke and The Bookish. Its been awhile and so without further ado, dearest book genie I wish for:

10. The ability to FREEZE TIME whenever I want to read a book.

because free time rarely comes by nowadays…well in my case though. :/

09. Instant/Unlimited cash every time I pass by a bookstore.

because every time I enter the bookstore, I tend to always find a book I instantly want to buy but then my wallet says, “sorry but you can’t afford that luxury right now.”

08. and of course to have the books I’ve always wanted to buy to be available in a bookstore I happen to pass by. 

because well, when you got the money sometimes the book you’ve been dying to get your hands on becomes unavailable and that breaks my fragile heart. 

07. The ability to enter any of any fictional world depending on what book I’m reading!

because, come on! how cool would that be?! 

06.  But before any other places book genie, please let me go to Hogwarts first!

because, Hogwarts will ALWAYS be a home to me! 

05. My own library that will always have space for new books! 

because I know that I won’t stop buying books even when I’m old and cranky. 

04.  A date night with my fictional boyfriends (one book at a time!) HAHA

because … oh my gosh. who wouldn’t want that? ❤

03. A bag that will allow me to bring 4 or 5 books (paperback or hardbound) and yet it still wouldn’t feel heavy!


because when you step outside your house, you gotta bring what you gotta bring! 

02. A bonding session…or dinner…or a meet-up or you know anything as long I spend a few moments with all of my favorite authors (Hi there J.K. Rowling!)

because I owe them a lot and I’d like to thank them personally. 

01. More books, more writers and more readers! :*


 There goes my Top Ten wishes for my book genie! Well I do hope some of them if not all comes true. I hope you had fun reading!

Do we have the same wishes? I’d like to know what you listed on your Top Ten Tuesday so comment the link to your post down below and share it with every one else. Have a great day ahead wherever you are! :*

36 thoughts on “Top Ten Wishes I Gotta Ask From the Awesome Book Genie…

  1. Love how creative and imaginative this list is and yes, MORE MONEY to buy books that are unfortunately getting more expensive! I love that baby throwing cash haha! I also love that you mentioned the ability to enter any fictional world because I would love to do that! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the list and I’d be totally down for #4. I wouldn’t even know who to start with. LOL
    Great wishes!
    (my TTT -

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have such an issue with the cash thing! I can’t believe every time I go to Barnes and Noble, it’s like every single book in the YA section is something I’ve personally heard of and want to read. It tears me apart! Bookstores aren’t supposed to make you sad!!

    (Also, what’s the GIF from #5 from? Looks like something I’d watch.)

    Liked by 1 person

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